Roettger Digital Transfer


There are very few homes that don’t have old home movies, photos, slides and other media that sit in boxes for years. These family treasures collect dust and deteriorate with every year that goes by – films, photos, videotapes, audiotapes, all slowly being lost to time. Roettger Digital Transfer service a chance to digitize all these memories. We offer high quality, low cost solutions to restoring and preserving your best memories. All services are performed in house.

We take outdated audiovisual formats and convert them to current digital media like CD, DVD, and computer files. With your film and video in digital form, you can easily enjoy and share with family and friends, especially on YouTube, Vimeo and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Media Conversions by Roettger Digital Transfer are great family entertainment, and a wonderful gift for future generations. Restore your irreplaceable memories by contacting Roettger Digital Transfer from Nebraska City, NE. Bringing Families back to life with Preserving ONE memory at a time!!!!!